Folk Magickal or Modern Witchcraft?

From Abuelas Magickal Kitchen to Fast Food
From Abuelas Magickal Kitchen to Fast Food Well folks it's that time of year again where we start planning and prepping for the upcoming holiday food feasts. Mixing up our...
From Abuelas Magickal Kitchen to Fast Food
From Abuelas Magickal Kitchen to Fast Food Well folks it's that time of year again where we start planning and prepping for the upcoming holiday food feasts. Mixing up our...

An Ancient Tradition Becoming A New Tradition
Yes you read that title correctly. Throughout my witchy learning from my family on both parents' sides, there was one tradition I never knew or heard of, but was ancient...
An Ancient Tradition Becoming A New Tradition
Yes you read that title correctly. Throughout my witchy learning from my family on both parents' sides, there was one tradition I never knew or heard of, but was ancient...

Mi Familias Healing Traditions
Throughout my past vlogs and blogs this one will be a bit different. I'll still share some family taught traditions I have learned over the years that have not changed...
Mi Familias Healing Traditions
Throughout my past vlogs and blogs this one will be a bit different. I'll still share some family taught traditions I have learned over the years that have not changed...

Divination From a Young Age
As I sit here, pulling my daily card for my tarot and oracle readings for the week, I start thinking of my childhood. Scrolling through my rolodex of memories, a...
Divination From a Young Age
As I sit here, pulling my daily card for my tarot and oracle readings for the week, I start thinking of my childhood. Scrolling through my rolodex of memories, a...

Cleansing like grandma used to
Because the spiritual practice of cleansing your personal space/home/altar has become so popular and has led to over harvesting of California White Sage, Palo Santo, Dragon's Blood Resin, etc. it...
Cleansing like grandma used to
Because the spiritual practice of cleansing your personal space/home/altar has become so popular and has led to over harvesting of California White Sage, Palo Santo, Dragon's Blood Resin, etc. it...

About The Vlogger
A little about myself. My name is Meladee but everyone knows me as Desert Siren. I've always loved magick ever since childhood. At a very young age I collected rocks/crystals (I think we all did) just because they were pretty. But I became totally engulfed when I found out they did things. Same with incense, candle colors and flower language.And lets not forget my favorite zodiac/horoscopes, I think I was the only elementary school kid who would ask everyone what their sign was. Of course these kids had no idea what I was talking about, but I did.
At 15 I started looking into books and reading about the craft but being raised in a Christian based household I held back as I thought I was doing wrong. So not till I was 22 and I found "To Ride a Silver Broomstick '' at a local book store and it just filled me up with excitement cause as I read it I felt like I wrote it because everything being said was exactly how I felt. So after a few years of reading, studying and practicing I finally felt comfortable at 24 years old to say I AM A WITCH! Of course I got a lot of grief over it but held strong and here I am at 49 still loving my path and the choice I made.
After doing a lot of research within my family line turns out I come from multiple healers which we call Curanderos. Going as far back to the early 1800s. Also found out one of my grandmothers who was Pueblo Native was a medicine woman for her tribe but also known as a witch. She would interpret dreams and communicate with spirits. This was so exciting for me to learn because here I thought I was the odd black sheep of our entire family line so to see in actual documents that I come from a long line of magickal people made me feel more comfortable and confident in who I am.
So just your average magickal witchy domestic Goddess, here to help you with your chosen path. Hope you enjoy my content and your time here.
Blessed Be )O(