Meeting November 16th, 2022 to discuss...
Set in the small town of Sparrow, Oregon, the novel follows seventeen-year-old Penny Tabolt, who knows all about the curse that torments the town: about the Swan sisters who were accused of witchcraft and drown nearly two centuries ago. She knows why the sisters return each summer, why they seek revenge upon the men of the town, and how to stop them. But this summer, a boy, Bo Carter, comes to town, and he has as many secrets as Penny, and soon she must decide who to save: Bo, or herself.
If you would like to join all you need to do is...
1) Read the book before the next meeting! Our next meeting for this book is November 8th so be sure to have the book done by then!
2) Attend the book club meeting to discus! Join our virtual meeting at the provided link. Then you can participate in the discussion either in the live chat or feel free to request a link to join us on camera! The more who ask to be a part of the meeting the better so don't be shy!